Saturday, June 28, 2008

Meat Eating Society

Meat Eating Society (What's the connection to our health?)

How much longer can we allow this incredible madness to go on? Can we remain silent while corporations run these legalized murder factories? Torture, sacrifice, abuse, mistreatment - the evil act of killing innocent sentient beings for profit and greed. It's also costing the lives of millions of humans to cancer, stroke and heart disease.

There's a sick and evil travesty that's taken' over the planet Earth. It's these abominable animal exploitation and killing realities. Mankind's ritualistic and hideous animal concentration camps of filth, disease, death and brutality. Yes, It's just another gruesome and horrifying major holocaust of unimaginable cruelty.

Money, money and more money is all the industries of death care about. Cut em up, slice em up, feed em to the masses of hungry carnivores. Hang em upside down by their hind legs, 'till it's for mercy they beg. Blood thirsty professional killers, high tech machinery butchering' billions of cows, chickens, lambs and pigs behind the blood splattered slaughterhouse steel doors.

Is there any wonder why there has to be so much anarchy? It's all because the government and fast food companies are drugging' and brainwashing you into this corrupt and violent meat eating society.

Just close your eyes to the horror that's hidden behind there. Your neighborhood supermarket brings your choice of flesh right to you. You don't have to kill it, and you don't have to watch it die. Just pay the robotic cashier up front, that's all you have to do. Then you can drive on home, and cook your E-Coli contaminated poisoned stew.

Have you ever wondered why there's so much violence in America and all over the world? Well, I'll tell you, The same disrespect man has for animals, he has for himself. No wonder there are serial killers, world wars, women being raped, capital punishment, and gangs killing' one another, is that {enough of a clue}? Our prison systems most violent criminals are being fed on a steady diet of murdered animal beings.

So much of this madness and killing stems from man's inhumanity to animals. {What a shame} PepsiCo, I.B.P., McDonalds, ConAgra, Tyson foods, and all the other criminal meat merchants of death are all cold and heartless, murderous capitalistic beasts, who fuel the violence flame.

Is there any wonder why there has to be so much anarchy? It's all because the government and fast food companies are drugging' and brainwashing you into this corrupt and violent meat eating society.

I'm sick and tired of all this, poor defenseless animals getting their throats cut - All for steak, ribs and chops.

I'm sure proud, and I'll say it clear and loud. I don't eat cows, pigs, fish or fowl. I'm a vegetarian - In defense of all the animals incarcerated on death row. We've got to liberate them, set them free, and let them go! We've got to educate the masses, or face total destruction! For everything we do, we reap what we sow!
You are what you eat, and what you eat can kill you. More people on this Earth, they die with their knife and fork. , swallowing chemicalized pieces of rotted flesh. Chewing on their greasy fat burgers, and their disgusting bacterial ridden, cancerous Farmer John pork.

Is there any wonder why there has to be so much anarchy? It's all because the government and fast food companies are drugging' and brainwashing you into this corrupt and violent meat eating society.

So what's this stuff about, burnt dead chicken so finger lickin' good? Just more deceptive advertising, and more government cover-up and lies. The legal system, and the deceitful media (keeps us from the truth.) Ten thousand butcher shops, slaughter plants and Ronald McDonalds are hypnotizing and mind-controlling our youth.
Haven't we had enough of this world-wide animal murdering insanity that's causing so much human violence and suffering?

It's time to WAKE UP!

Meat is cold blooded murder my friends and that's no lie.


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[THE BIGGEST HEALTH TIP IS HERE! >> It amazes me that most people’s lives seem
to be getting dressed in the clothes that they buy for work, driving through morning traffic in a car they are still paying for in order to get to the job they need so they can pay for
the clothes, pay for the car and pay for the home they leave empty all day in order to
afford to live in it”…

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