Friday, July 28, 2017

This eBook includes over 100 recipes so you can get started today! This eBook will improve YOUR LIFE! I don’t care if you are a Catholic, Orthodox, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Anglican, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon, 7th Day Adventist, Congregational or any other denomination. This eBook applies to all religions and denominations around the world and will help YOU!

WHY you may ask? Because there is only one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and if you believe that God created the earth, the stars, the universe and you, then he surely knows what your body needs to eat in order to live a healthy and long life. And somewhere in His spoken Word, the Bible; He must have given us some information on what to eat and not what to eat in order to live a healthy and long life while we are in these flesh bodies.

This eBook is about God and Science coming together, where God’s Word is supported by Science and not disputed like most people believe. The truth lies in God’s Word.

Avoid the noise and confusion out in the media today. The media feeds us so many lies paid for by drug companies and food companies. Get the inside scoop on how to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle straight from the Bible. Good health from a biblical perspective and not through man’s eyes.

Some argue that biblical dietary restrictions are silly, old fashioned and merely limit human freedoms and pleasures! Others teach that these instructions were for people living under the Old Covenant and that Christians, who are under a New Covenant, are free to eat whatever they want.

If all these diets we hear about in the media really worked then we would’ve solved our obesity problem and why are there so many diets out there? Even to this day, we still hear new authors writing books and preaching the gospel of a new diet on TV talk shows, trying to convince us that they have found the Holy Grail that is going to work on everyone if they follow their diet plan. Then after a while…You never hear from them anymore…I WONDER WHY? Maybe cause their diet plan doesn’t work?
The market realized it was a scam or a fad and simply dropped it. This happens every year beloved, stop chasing these stupid diets that deprive you of critical nutrition that your body needs. And let’s not mention the increased chance of you getting a disease through these fly by night diets!
Ya, I could sit here and write about the pros and cons of the Jenny Craig diet, Weight Watchers diet plan, low fat diet, low calorie diet, low carb diet and the Atkins diet just to name a few. But why would I waste your precious time and even more confuse you on what’s right and what is wrong? The truth about all these diets is that they all contradict themselves on different key points and elements.
NONE of them have all the real answers of how to properly fuel this body and make it work properly. They may have a certain point right but the rest is all wrong, or they may even come close having most points right but fail you on some other key points that are critical for you in avoiding disease. Hence we have confusion and no real solution to our chronic obesity problem in North America and diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes that kill millions each year, all caused by our bad eating habits.

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